02 9728 7288

Glaucoma should be taken seriously

Glaucoma is a condition where the optic nerve has been damaged, causing a loss in peripheral vision. Generally, patients with glaucoma may not notice any symptoms in early stages of the condition, and it may even go undetected. This is because central vision is still intact, and it is only side vision that diminishes slowly with time. Glaucoma is more common in old age, and it is important for a patient over 55 years old to have regular check ups with their optometrist to be screened for glaucoma.

Glaucoma is caused when intraocular pressure (IOP) in the eye comes to damage the optic nerve at the back of the eye. Elevated intraocular pressure is caused by defective drainage of liquids in the eye, termed aqueous humour. Normally, aqueous humour circulates the eye to provide it with nutrients and keep it healthy. However, when some of the eye’s plumbing is damaged, raised intraocular pressure will ensue resulting in damage to the optic nerve. Damage to the optic nerve will interrupt the image that the eye sends to the brain to see and navigate the surrounding world. In this video by GlaucomaAustralia.com, this is what it looks like to have glaucoma – imagine not being able to see the children crossing the road when driving a car.
Glaucoma can severely impact your vision and how you function in day to day life.

There is no immediate cure for glaucoma, but it can be managed if detected early on. Glaucoma is monitored regularly by your optometrist through examining the layers of the back of your eye with the Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) machine, as well as visual field tests which produce a map of what parts of your central and peripheral vision that you see. Your optometrist may even recommend eye drops which help to reduce the pressure in your eyeball so that it releases tension on the optic nerve.

To see one of our highly knowledgeable optometrists for an eye examination or to find out more, contact us on 9728 7288.

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