It is quite common to find bacteria living in and around your eyelashes. But sometimes there can be an overpopulation of said bacteria and that’s when issues will arise.
Symptoms of dry eye, reddened eyelids, crustiness/stickiness of eyelids (especially in the morning), and/or tearing are just the start. Left alone without any treatment can lead to painful styes or lumps on your eyelids, eyelashes falling out, and scarring on your eyelids!
Fortunately, it will not cause permanent damage to your vision, but it is important to treat at an early stage before complications appear.
It may sound a little daunting, but blepharitis is prevented by good lid hygiene!
At a consultation with your optometrist, you may be directed to partake in daily lid scrubs and massages to help alleviate the symptoms and manage the condition.
Blepharitis is often a long-term condition that is sufficiently managed with maintained lid hygiene. Blephadex is a lid scrubbing solution sold here at Eyecare Network and recommended by our optometrists to manage blepharitis.
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