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Meimbomian gland dysfunction: one cause of a dry eye

Have you ever experienced a dry eye that is withstanding no matter what you do? This may be because your dry eye is caused by a blockage of the glands of your eyelids, or a thickened secretion from the glands, which disrupts the fluidity of tear flow. 


This is a condition known as meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), named after the meibomian glands near your lashes which are responsible for tear production. When you have MGD,  you might find that your eyes are dry and irritated, with associated redness of the eyes and the surroundings. If you wear contact lenses, you might also find that you have an increased intolerance. It is important for your optometrist to carefully diagnose and manage MGD as secondary conditions may develop as a result. If you are feeling a dry eye, it would be beneficial for you to visit your optometrist for appropriate diagnosis and management options. 


Typically, managing MGD will depend on the severity of the condition. Most management options start with patient education in the form of lid hygiene and lid scrubs with a baby shampoo and cotton bud. Your optometrist will talk you through these steps, but you’ll find that it is actually quite simple to treat MGD by yourself! At Eyecare Network, we also offer Blephadex Eyelid Wipes to help with more vigorous eyelid hygiene. The Blephadex formula contains tea tree and coconut oil to help manage cleanse and moisturise the eyelids. Additionally, warm compresses and lid massages are also helpful for MGD management! 


To see one of our optometrists for an eye examination or to find out more, contact

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