Blepharitis is a common condition affecting the eyelids. If you have blepharitis, you may experience symptoms of dry eye, reddened eyelids, crustiness/stickiness of eyelids (especially in the morning) and/or tearing. At times, a painful stye, or lump, may form on your eyelid. Blepharitis is usually caused by bacterial overpopulation on the eyelids, or skin conditions such as acne or eczema. It will not cause permanent damage to your vision, but it is important to treat at an early stage before secondary conditions appear. Blepharitis is not contagious.
It may sound a little daunting, but blepharitis is mostly prevented by good lid hygiene! At a consultation with your optometrist, you may be directed to partake in daily lid scrubs and massages to help alleviate the symptoms and manage the condition. Blepharitis is often a long-term condition that is sufficiently managed with maintained lid hygiene. Blephadex is a lid scrubbing solution sold here at Eyecare Network and recommended by our optometrists to manage blepharitis.
To see one of our optometrists or to find out more, contact us on 9728 7288.